Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Toffee Nut Frappucino = Joy

Over the last few weeks, things have turned topsy turvy, so many questions, i wonder if i really wanna know the answer.

Grandfather's diagnosed with lung cancer, waiting for staging confirmation. Dr's have suspected with the rapid mutation in cells and abnormal growth, it should be in the 4th stage. Before the staging was done, i thought that being in the 1st & 4th is the best position to be in. 2nd & 3rd is just prolonged suffering with no relief to be sought anytime soon. Reality is as such, i wonder if it's just our projection that we think he'd be better off with lesser suffering or if he'd really want more time. After reading the euthanasia articles over the weekend, i'm not so sure.

Parents had a major quarrel, which led me to realise that at every age, no matter the fact that they are our parents, they are still in a relationship. A relationship will always require maintenance, understanding and growth. And yes they can be equally immature at handling their problems.

If there's any consolation to what happened the week before, is that the Starbucks Toffee Nut Frappucino is back. I guess i will contend myself with that cup of ice cold drink that can bring me so much joy. Some people place happiness in money, i place happiness in what money can buy me - lots of good food to feed my depraved soul. Fortunately i'm a simple creature, fulfill my basic needs and i'm a happy camper.

Unknown at 12:42 am