Monday, May 19, 2008

Realisations on human relationships

I always wondered why my dad would agree willingly to something i requested, while reject with a dozen reasons why not to the very same thing my mother asked for. At the end of the day no matter what blood relations or reasons that tie you and another person together, the basis for people willingly to do things for you, is the building up of good will and brownie points. It's also got to do with the personality of the person requesting for it. If you have a track record of using emotional blackmail to get what you want, you're erasing whatever brownie points you used to have, and at a phenomenal rate. Trust me, the irritating little way you try to weasel people to do things for you, has a way of biting you in your ass.

We always say we hate certain qualities or characteristics of a person from a past relationship but when you meet another, you revel in the very same quality that you dislike and sometimes display it to a nauseating effect on others. It is the person, not the trait. Afterall we all bear similar traits, but in varying degrees. When you've run out of brownie points, you truly are running on empty.

Unknown at 10:10 pm