Wednesday, August 16, 2006
adonis blue
Now that it has come to pass, i don't think it's such a big deal anymore. Then again, i wonder if that is the right reaction to it. So weird to say that there is a right reaction, but a lot of our reactions are moulded by society's unwritten rules on what's appropriate behavior and its consequent reactions. Ah fergeddit, it's over anyway. I've got more productive ways to while away my short lived brain cells.
Dinner with philipp, then coffee. Had a nice time catching up coz it's been quite long since we last met. Especially considering how we used to meet weekly. Bumped into anna yesterday too. Agreed to stay another month at the clinic coz i'll get to do some case management stuff, so yeah. Will try asking my manager for an increase in pay. I need to start doing my research for my honors too. SIGH! So much for wanting to submit my ethics proposal early. We'll see about it i guess. Work tomorrow, alone. But meeting jon after that, so at least something to look forward to. =)
Unknown at 12:09 am