Saturday, July 09, 2005

Are you prepared to die today?

I've always wondered why are the older generation so narrow minded and worrisome. Afraid of terrorist attacks blah blah blah. Then i think i've found a hint of it. Because they have too many liabilities and that they have not lived a life that they truly wanted to live. When you have too many liabilities on hand, such as kids, home, car, ageing parents, you worry that if u don't make it today who will take care of them. Whereas i, am my only liability, no one else to answer to, no debts to pay, etc. The money i owe amos doesn't count. I've got enough in the untouchable account to pay him back should i die. I guess it's when you're truly prepared, insurance plans, etc etc then you don't really worry too much and live life as it is the next day, not worrying about buses and trains etc. And i guess having a life that you've always wanted to lead and enjoy does help too. If you're stuck in a rut you would worry that hey i've not lived my life proper yet, i still haven't done x number on my things to do in life list. But of course if u've already known that you'd never complete all of them and are truly at ease with it, maybe it's not so hard as well.

Everything boils down to this question, are you prepared to die today? If you're not and you don't exactly live with a mentality that everyday could be my last day, maybe you'd have more troubles accepting that you still have to take the public transport to work and you may get bombed. Maybe there's more to it, these are from my point of view, if you have something please share so that i can understand more of what other people think on the same issue.

Unknown at 2:21 pm