Tuesday, December 06, 2005

bliss is...

Having grilled teppanyaki burger with upsized shaker fries and large iced tea. It is also coming home 1 hr earlier than you're supposed to. Having a cold shower on a blazing hot day, and then going into your air conditioned comforts of your bedroom and look out the window and feel none of the heat affecting you. Simply wonderful. Yoga later, before that is 3.5hours of reading my textbook, since my other assignments need me to be fairly acquainted with my textbook before i start rambling nonsense and wasting time. Then salsa tonight. Whee... Wonderful day, and i actually woke up early enough to have breakfast before going for tutorials( I can count the number of times i actually attend her morning tutorials with 2 hands, out of like 30+, yep not a morning person).

Just wondering sometimes, why do we really need to make accurate judgements of people whom we don't really care. I know sometimes i comment about how we should make accurate judgements vs efficient ones (term lifted from my lecturer), but really, do we need to bother if u just scolded the dimwit driving in front of you at 90km/hr on the first lane and refusing to budge. Even though he may not be a dimwit, really, who cares? So scream and shout and scold all you want, but keep them to yourselves, afterall he most probably really isn't a dimwit.

Unknown at 1:03 pm