Sunday, November 13, 2005

10 reasons why i don't call u anymore

1. Swept up in the daily grind, i don't have time to call you -> you're insignificant in my life now, so let's move on shall we
2. Other sources of entertainment distracts me to call you -> you're not as entertaining as reruns of 'Zhen Qing' or other jap/korean drama serials going on
3. We've outgrown each others company -> you've changed, i've changed, what does it matter? You're still less entertaining as 'Zhen Qing'
4. Your problems are yours, period.
5. We were different all along -> i've actually always been ashamed to be called your friend
6. I don't feel like talking -> the sentence doesn't stop there, it ends with "to you"
7. You don't make me feel important anymore -> I'm just an insecure nut, and no i refuse to see a counsellor *stomps feet, whines and bawls uncontrollably*
8. I called u recently but you were too busy remember? -> blatant attempt to cover up
9. I was clearing out the numbers in my phonebook, all numbers that i haven't been using in the last 6 months were deleted -> oops?
10. Quick check. Have i even called you before? -> Hah, the joke's on you pal

As you can see i'm pretty bored, to the extent of coming up with lame stuff when i should be studying. Anyway internet connection's pretty stable. =) And if i don't call you, it's really coz i never really liked talking on the phone much, i prefer to see you face to face. awww..... This much i swear is the truth.

Unknown at 6:11 am