Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Don't burst my bubble or i'll burst yours

One day when you read my blog, you will no longer find something that dissatisfies you. Despite what i type may be in total disagreement of the opinions you hold, what you read across the screen will reflect what you want to read. Cookies will tap info from a database that finds out what kind of a person you are, your character, personality, likes, dislikes, past experiences, insecurities etc. Through electric impulses that you transmit from your mouse, the server will be able to tell through your physiological responses if what is being displayed is triggering a negative emotive response. If so, the words will start to fade away and be changed to something that is soothing to you. However you may ask, why not make it even more intuitive, once the reader goes to my blog it shows something that the reader wants to read straightaway. Well you see, not everyone wants to live without hearing other's opinions, and despite hearing them, they may not be able to accept what is being written.

So just like some unnamed civilisation whose governance may face dissent(eg. currently France?), no worries about actual riots being carried out, because everyone will read and listen to what they want to hear. Everyone will live in peace.

Unknown at 10:57 pm