Friday, September 23, 2005

Mini life re-organization

Tweaked my computer a little, cleaned up my hotmail inbox, too many of the tech stuff in my inbox which i haven't had the time to read and use, installed some new software(free but legal), spent the past two days doing nothing much but just spending time with someone. Organized some of my stuff, bought a new bag, doing the little stuff that i don't have the time or energy to during my normal school days. It's rather nice to be slacking doing these little things, because these are the little things that bug me most of the time. I get annoyed by my growing inbox, my table with many things that needs to be organized, my computer disk space, needing some re-organization, installing softwares to tweak and play around, i'm still a geek after all these years. Maybe i should go read up stuff regarding my schoolwork too. Afterall school's opening on monday. My timetable's fantastic, well it looks really good to me, one module max four days week, so much time for prepping for the exams, way beforehand and the reports and what's not. No more last minute rushing, i hope. Explored a new blogging site, may be transferring soon, still testing it out.

So i'm happy. =)

Unknown at 2:32 pm