Thursday, September 15, 2005



On the brighter side, after this hurdle is a one week holiday!! Which i shall repeat with similar activities like i always say: suntan, err... suntan, swim?, eerrr.. okay.. i can't remember. But i do remember i had helluva time during my previous one week break which resulted in me supercharged for my currently ending term. Well mishaps still occur, with bad planning, but we learn as we move along don't we.

Soooooo holidays here i come!! I'm tempted to club this saturday @ Zouk... However i can predict a crowd due to their last day of operations. :( I haven't drank like crazy in a loooooooooong time.. Trance beats wafting through the air... It's been looooong.. We'll see how as it comes along. Pending financial issues. I'm going wild during the holidays!

Unknown at 11:48 am