Tuesday, September 20, 2005
interim update of my mundane holidays
queued up for the spa tix with my mum. Had two bad dreams so i practically didn't sleep from sunday to monday. So got home after many hours of trying to stay awake took a nap, woke up from another bad dream and took a cab down for my last hip hop class. Found the last class' moves pretty fun and i managed it pretty alright compared to the 4-6th classes, was struggling for some parts of the class then. Then dinner at brewerkz, had shepherd's pie, joe i've had my shepherd's pie!!!! hahaha. But i didn't eat a lot, my appetite's shrinking lately. Then home and i finally got my much needed rest. Woke up today, ate lunch and slept again, was feeling sick. Supposed to head down to the gym, but i couldn't make it. Then salsa class tonight, it's quite easy to pick up compared to hip hop, just maybe a little more practice on the body's fluidity in the moves. And i bumped into my OBA friend, meihui. What a coincidence. The world is small really. The last time i bumped into her was during supper at al-ameen, where she loudly exclaimed, "Dawne what happened to your hair?!" Kinda cool.
Unknown at 11:58 pm