Monday, November 04, 2002

went to watch scc 7s today. in fact i was rather lazy and tired that i nearly didn't go. well attended. hmm somehow i had a short attention span coz ben had to suggest shopping for clothes for zouk tonight and i did haf spare cash. damn that's one great evil shopping when u haf money. temptation.

left early coz i wanted to go home and bath so that i didn't haf to go home and bathe after dinner then going down to zouk. thankfully i made the right choice. daddy played cards ti like forever while i played with this little kid alled keith teo. haha little boy. really hyper-active but he's so active and happy. not those cry baby kinda kids which annoy the shit out of me.

daddy dropped me off at zouk, transferred funds to larry for the batam trip. yay wakeboarding. realised tt many ppl r at zouk tonight, lemme see avis, michelle, yu xing, levi, some fren of avis, zach, another michelle, roy, some gurl who's a member of zouk, ah fai, ben, ben's gf, wilson, nancy, some guy whom i forgot the name, bijay, simon, hong xu, n some dragon boaters. whoa! best of all i saw matthew after everything. anyway got a little high at the beginning of the night. ben n ah fai had to make me drink flaming lamborghini, one b52 and some funny bailey's wif milk thingy. have to admit tt my tolerance for alcohol is not tt high. just tt i control myself so i seem as though i haf a high tolerance for alcohol. which in actual fact is bullshit. anyway i guess i was still a little high when i actually said hi to matthew, i congratulated him good game during today's scc 7s. something i wouldn't haf done without the influence of alcohol. n i kissed fai. it's alochol. damnit.
i'm one fucking loose slut. hate me if u will but it's my fucking life so leave me alone. blah.

Unknown at 5:15 am