Friday, October 25, 2002

had dinner at marche, bought a box of $16 chocolates for jeff. It's a small little black box very kewl. I wouldn't buy it for myself just for the box coz it's darn expensive. Even though i really really like the box. darn. y dun they take away the 1 in front. or better stil the 6 behind. haha. Planned to bake brownies for everyone in the office and wrap it individually in aluminium foil, tie it with a ribbon and tag it wif the person's name so it's personalised. Finished baking the brownie around 12. Still doing the tags, couldn't find the ribbon. Cut the aluminium foil and found out there wasn't enough! In the morning woke up at 6.45 to ask auntie rifah about the ribbons and more aluminium foil. Turns out she can't find the ribbons, and the aluminium foil wasn't as A LOT as she said. So my elaborate plans all gone wrong. Took a ziplock after putting one brownie into it i realised i didn't really want to bring it to work. but in the end i put 6 pieces into it and told myself if i saw the cute guy i'll give it to him. Turns out i really did see him at the bus stop. I sat at the seat he usually sits, he didn't sit there. Fine. Y scared of me ah? I promise i wun bite. for now. lol. did i mentioned that i bit fauziah the other day? haha. her reaction a bit slow lar. but not that yummy anyway. hhaa. anyway then i sat on the train two seats away from him then realised wad i said to myself in the morning. argh damn. if i had known tt i would see him today i wouldn't have said that. psyched myself to give him the brownies, bouna vista station. the woman sitting next to me got up n proceeded to the nearest door, while he sits nearer to the other door, n i just followed. so the brownie sits on my table and one piece in my nice flabby tummy. and noi the reason y u dun haf brownies was coz i was going to bake another batch tonight for my frenz. but since my elaborate plan fell apart i got brownies to spare. you geddit?

Unknown at 10:36 am