Thursday, October 24, 2002

as you would have noticed this is my third entry for today and i guess there'll be more coming because, there's nothing to do. my colleague decided to do something without me even when i said during lunch tt yar i wanna help. how nice just disappearing without letting me learn anything coz he wants it done fast. so typical of him. while everytime i would ask him along coz i want both of us to have equal opportunities in learning. damn wad's wrong with you!! argh. and yar he's the bardy bitch.

been reading some other ppl's blogs. apparently half of these blog writers think they're weird. which is haha farni. are that many ppl that weird? and half of these bloggers are amazingly good in website designing! wow. but i'm the other half who can't design websites for shite. as usual wad's new?

Unknown at 2:28 pm