Sunday, October 20, 2002
damit lar when will the people whom i dun wanna talk to stop bothering me. then i had to turn off my icq prematurely sorry mun mun couldn't talk to u much. n my yahoo mail is inaccessible!! can someone pls tell me why?!!! coke has a new packaging. bought the blardy mini bottle just coz it looks cute. I'm going to work in marketing in future. so kewl.
going to meeting wif lim tc is a headache, everybody talks at the same time his ideas are going too fast for me!! whoa a challenge man. nobody actually challenged my brain cells before this. i feel so smart! no correlation but it doesn't matter.
oh something about survivor last nite. keith talked about him being sharklike, talking only when he needs to. Hmmm thoughts to ponder upon.
Unknown at 12:53 am