Thursday, October 24, 2002
bah. read another blog about people feeling fearful because of the Bali bomb blasts. But i don't feel anything. in fact i plan to go for the SCC 7s with glee, i'm going about my daily stuffs without nary a worry. I'm totally indifferent. If something weird or amiss happens i'll most prob shrug it off rather than worry about terrorists. I wonder if that's the way to die. I mean i read a newspaper article the other day. This lady apparently got wary of this man who originally sat down in the train and left his bag on the floor, later he moved away but he left the bag there(intentionally or unintentionally i dunno). She got worried and thoughts that he was a terrorist trying to bomb the blardy train immediately flooded her mind. If it were me first thought would be.... what first thought?! alrite i'll just think he's a little absent minded. hmm simple explanation isn't it? but the world isn't that simple anymore or was it ever in the first place. sad neurotic people we have all become. If somebody tried to bomb us on the mrt train, first thought would be all the innocent lives, second damn you lar now i have to start taking buses. I'm an ignorant git please ignore me just like how i ignore you and your neuroses. Apparently it's quite obvious i dun really like taking buses coz....... my house doesn't have any buses that are direct to town or any civilization. only one feeder bus. damn! see. that explains y i dun like buses. if i stayed wif my granny i think i'd prefer buses more but that's if. missed my childhood days in toa payoh. love that neighbourhood loads.
Unknown at 1:31 pm