Monday, November 04, 2002
oh ben was asking me hwo i found fai. i was like hmm okay. doesn't mean tt i kiss someone i haf to like him kae. as i mentioned i'm a loose slut. n ij gurls haf this ability of kissing ppl whom they dun even remotely like. i wonder why. anyway, he said tt wilson n the other fella doesn't really like fai. which i'm not surprised. i'm not being mean or a bitch here. yar i understand why. he's a little too OTT talks too much n bobs around a little too much as well. But i guess we can'tjudge ppl by tt. i mean yah we dun haf to b frenz wif the entire world but i feel tt some ppl just dun deserve to b ostracized just coz they're different. he's a nice person after all. if he's some bastard alrite i get y u just dislike him. but he's perfectly nice just tt he might get on ur nerves a little. i guess a lot of ppl dun bother to noe a person before they dislike them, n even then they dislike them for v petty reasons. no wonder america wants to bomb iraq and al qaeda's bombing everyone else. long live to the world where everyone's too quick to judge n haf no time to love.
Unknown at 5:21 am