Monday, October 14, 2002
morning sunshine!!!! hhaa in a grrrrrrrrreat mood. even though i saw the dao neighbour. the world is a better place coz today's my birthday. woke up early. reached the bus stop n the bus came after not long of waiting, saw the sun sooooo beautiful sometimes the haze isn't such a bad thing. wind blew in my hair and had char siew bao for brekkie. then got new postcards to take. i realised tt i've been taking many many postcards n i seldom end up doing anything with it at all.. think i'm gonna haf to start finding a way to do something with it. something handicraft or something. read the newspapers. very saddening the bali blast. why why why are people so thoughtless? does killing civilians make a difference to them?? innocent people are dying for your dumb stupid cause. n now i'm going to start avoiding ang mohs. (joking, though not v farni if u're one) anyway blessings to the families who have lost their loved ones. sumore they're rugby players. my goodness.. it's so sad.. words cannot express the feelings i'm feeling.
Unknown at 10:09 am