Wednesday, October 09, 2002
put up many links today. due to another nothing-to-do-at-work day. isn't that great? i used to spend it surfing aimlessly on the big WWW. now, i'm actually putting my time to good use!! This webby is a good waddyacallit hmm distraction of sorts or sumthing like that. U'll notice that i put up links to people whom i dunno and most probably you wouldn't noe either. tell you a secret.. i got them off the website. Being busybody me i peek at other people's blog. so that's how i got all these links. It's all done to keep you guys and me entertained alrite. so dunch complain.
damn now it's more of a me talking to you readers website than my own thoughts website. coz i tend to forget what i wanna write in the end. Especially when i had a whole length of thoughts that i put down got lost. how nice. alrite shan't dwell too much on it. anyway i shall put some thoughts that was meant for yesterday into today. jovi sms-ed me, nice of him. which only goes to prove that people like yuxing the slightly better looking guys who speaks fluent english(the kind of guys i like) are usually jerks. if you're not good looking there you go down the drain into the sewage with the lesser known mortals.
oh hey i saw wendy jacobs just now at ikea!!! whoever said that models dress inconspicuously and try hard to not look like themselves forgot about her. Cool sunglasses made up nicely and very pregnant. for a moment i forgot was she junita simons or wendy jacobs. most prolly gone to get a cot for her baby or sumthing. oh does anyone know that i'm actually very guy-crazy just that i don't let people know. ah now u noe. dunno y m i letting you know. aiyah basically i'm confused and confusing. i can say yar i wanna haf a fling but when it really comes down to it i doubt i'm able to. just like when i was so excited to b a lesbian. somehow can't imagine me wif another lesbian.
xiaofei wants to get me a birthday present. look there are things to buy but big BUT it's too expensive for me to accept it from you even from my frenz. unless they share. and usually presents with that kind of price tag i will only expect from my parents and relatives. This is one year where i wish people would buy stuff for me on my wishlist. Maybe should photocopy and pass it to my aunties and uncles whom i'm sure would be very glad to know what i want for my birfdae. oh last sunday my mother said hmm eh wei ah ur birfdae's coming rite? i forgot about it totally. thanks mummy. i love you so much.
Unknown at 4:07 pm