Thursday, October 10, 2002

fell asleep last night close to exhaustion. never felt so tired before. my eyes couldn't hold up and my body was close to collapsing but. when i went to my bed i couldn't sleep! goodness wad's wrong wif me lately?? again another restless night. hopefully tonight i get a proper rest otherwise tomorrow morning i'll have trouble waking up at 4:30am. yes i have to reach my office at 5am. doing some rewiring of the closet thingy i'm fine about it no u dun have to pity me or think that it's something against the human rights to start protesting about. peace out. relax. it's part of the working life as a network asisstant (y does it seem like it's misspelled). anyway went nydc for dindin last nite wif saimun. yeap i noe you're most probably reading this. haha anyway i'll write for my other audiences. dinner was fine but the table next to us was not.

lady (signals to the waiter)
waiter (comes over): yes m'am how can i help you? (actually i dun remember this part i'm just trying to make it sound interesting)
lady: the music's too loud can you turn down the volume?
waiter: dunno wad he said. something about they cannot turn down the volume i guess.

wad?! turn down the volume? excuse me dun come to nydc lar! so wad if you're the paying customer? the rest of us are paying for the atmosphere alrite. they then proceeded to write on the comments card. then bitchie us decided to write a comment card as well, wanted to say something abt seating bitchie customers nxt to our table. in the end the comment card was nicely decorated, redrawn in some parts and rather artistic i must add. lol (thick skinned) anyway we suggested that they should turn up the volume of the music and ask the servers to dance. haha all in the name of niceness and good fun. before we left the head waiter come to check if there's anything wrong wif their service. poor guy. no lar we just think the table nxt to us was bitchy that's all. oodles of doodles.

went home noi sent me a msg via the window pulley system. if u din noe noi's my upstairs neighbour she's linked on the left if you can see. she was touched i guess wad she wanted to give me for a birfdae present was even more touching. she wanted to do the entire galaxy on my ceiling but obviously it wouldn't be a surprise rite duh? anyway i told her dun do tt coz i'll cry. i'm serious i'll be touched to tears. despite my tough-chic exterior i'm quite soft inside. like an egg but not as fragile on the outside.

Unknown at 9:31 am