Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lovely Weekend

Yesterday after having dinner at old airport road, my mum and i headed to vivocity to pass time while waiting for my dad's flight arrival. Looked around at Tangs and saw a pretty pair of shoes. But my mum noted that the price is about $20 more expensive than the Tangs in Orchard for some of the items she bought previously. So i'll buy the shoes from the Tangs in Orchard when i have the time and money. Then tried on some dresses which somehow didn't fit me very well. Well actually i thought they looked fine but my mum was more critical about it. So in the end i didn't get any. Yes like what xinyi commented today, i still go clothes shopping with my mum. In fact i like going shopping with my mum. Coz usually i don't dress beyond a certain style, my slack, laid-back, chin chye style. But my mum will pick out stuff that i think looks nice on a manequin but would never normally buy if i were alone or with my friends, and get me to try and even end up buying it and wearing it. Plus she's got an eye for details, or rather she sees the flaws in the clothes that i don't. So if i go shopping with her i'll definitely end up with clothes that definitely flatter my body. =) So yeah. Then Momo after picking up my dad, free entry and free drinks. It was quite fun and i bumped into a few friends. Think it's fun coz i haven't clubbed in ages. Amos didn't enjoy himself that much. Oh well. Then today JB, free ringgit courtesy of my parents. So even though i was broke i still managed to have fun this weekend. Somehow everything fell into place. Usually i'd have been on the conservative side and chose not to go out at all, but i did and had fun without touching a single cent. Although i only bought a t-shirt and a small bottle of aloe vera gel. But meeting my friends and doing the stuff that i haven't done in ages was quite cool.

Unknown at 9:57 pm