Friday, November 24, 2006

Beware of the demons that lurk

It's scary when your mind starts running ahead of what's happening, in areas where you should adopt a wait and see attitude. Then it starts to break you down with all the ifs and wayward reasonings it has up its sleeve and before you know it, you've fallen into the trap and spiralling downwards. If you don't grab a hold of it, actions will follow and silly consequences abound and there are no facts to ground you, except your thoughts. Of course when you reveal them, kinder people will point at you and laugh at you, and maybe you'd laugh along with yourself. But if you aren't so lucky, they may just walk and never return to your life. You have not made a fool of yourself in this case, but a real huge ass you are.

I wonder what's it like to be in the mind of a chronically depressed, or the person who sits below my block everyday and watch the world pass him by. Does he know what's happening?

Unknown at 1:07 pm