Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Happy Oktober

Caught Friends with money, very interesting show i loved it actually. The storytelling had this way of trying to draw you into their lives coz it's so real, and you see it in the people around you. Or maybe i saw parts of me in the different characters. Also the way each person relates to another was very interesting. Had mcdonald's yesterday after many weeks of whining, so i'm quite happy now. Got my pay today and calculated my finances and i can afford the diving trip for both of us, so i'm very happy about it. It's not only just about him being able to come but also that i can actually pay for our trip, which makes me feel quite happy. Yeah the ability to provide for another person, i guess that's a good feeling. All along i was still wondering if he was pulling my leg that he was too broke for the trip, well he isn't but it doesn't matter he's still coming along! -beams- Happy happy October for me.

Unknown at 12:17 am