Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Days of our lives
Caught Havoc on Sunday, it was a cool show. Very real, and brings me back to the times when i was like that. A teenager, and just fucking bored. I guess yes at the end of the day it all stemmed from boredom, curiosity as well at what we could do and how far we could push those limits.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest tomorrow. Woot!
Got the internship, however there's no salary, but food and transport allowance. It was really lower than i expected, thought of calling them to give it up but thought about it, the experience is really good coz at least i'm pretty sure that i'd get to do a variety of things. So well. I'll try to search for another place which deals with different stuff, so that i get a hand in different things. Woke up this morning and started thinking so what am i interested in? My mind drew a blank. I panicked for a while, because hey i can't have been studying psychology and realise that i don't wanna do anything related to it right? I thought i had an inkling or interest for something, where did it go?! After searching through the yellowpages, i found an answer, thank god. That was horrifying, early in the morning you suddenly lose track of what you want to do with your life, wow, what a great wake up call huh. My memory is failing me lately, and it is beginning to scare me. I used to have photographic memory, but now i can't even remember things that Jonathan tells me and i feel really bad. Imagine your gf/bf keeps forgetting stuff you tell him/her it's like hey how important am i to you huh? There have been so many instances of me forgetting about stuff that i'm freaking out.
Anyway the computer is fine now 'cept for a missing soundcard. So once that's settled i'll be able to listen to my mp3, watch animes, Top Gear, VCDs, DVDs and whatnots.
Unknown at 6:56 pm