Thursday, June 23, 2005

Post for the birthday boy

So went to phuture last night and birthday boy got drunk, YAY! He's such a polite drunkard, kept saying sorry. Like maybe every 5 minutes he'll lean over to me and say sorry. Lol. Silly fella, it's your turn so now we're quits. Heh. And then he dreamt of me again this morning in his drunken state. So now he's currently leading the let's see who can dream of each other more competition. But i noticed our dreams always have us holding hands, be it me or him. Anyway gonna see him later, time to shower and get ready. Yay. Mr & Mrs Smith here we come, and finally when noy asks me whether i've watched the movie i can say yes darling i have, instead of an exasperated no.

Unknown at 3:40 pm