Saturday, May 14, 2005

Good day

This is why i don't give out my blog url to every single one of my friend. Knowing who reads your blog means u censor because u don't wanna hurt their feelings, certain things like secrets are meant to be kept between you and someone and not published on the WWW(ok not like major secrets but some things u just don't mention). And i'd hate for that to happen, but it's already happening now. Of course some things i still post, because i pretend i do not know who's reading my blog. Eg. Abt yest training thing, i think i know some of the rugby girls read my blog, i think, but i'm not sure, so i assume not, but i still guess. Heh. But this is where i wanna air my frustrations, anger, my life. I told myself that when i started this blog, it's a personal diary but online, i know the repercussions but i also know i can control how i react to it when it goes out of hand. And so, those who read my blog just tag on the right, be nice. I'll still blog about you about things which you aren't suppose to know. I'll try, otherwise i'll just give this up and go somewhere else and start anew.

I had a good swim and tan today. =)

Unknown at 3:28 pm