Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Go through these websites in order:
1. Wallpaper
2. Pretty much a raving review

3. Race Track Performance
4. A more balanced review

All these are what i just found off google for the absolute favouritest car of my life. It's high class, it's ah beng all rolled into one. Perfect for me the ah lian wannabe. muahhahaa. And yes this is a car that i'll sell my soul for. Imagine counting to 10 to relieve stress, in the 11th second you'll hit 200km/hr in this car, and unfortunately in singapore, you'll most prob bang into a tree as well. But if that happened to me, i'll die the happiest person on earth. Just imagine usually i hold my breath for 20 seconds to clear my hiccups what u could do in those 20 seconds. 3.9 seconds to 100km/hr. i take more than 4 seconds to reach my kitchen. ARGHHHHHH i can't take this. How can god allow such a thing on earth. I bet he's in cahoots with the devil, to maintain the balance(ala Constantine). Or maybe i can do more good deeds and save myself and have eternal life and maybe if i do more good deeeds i may get into an express queue for this car in heaven. Hurhur. C L K D T M A M G my 8 favourite alphabets. @#&*&^FGS%^)) what i would do to drive this car... I don't mind being a mistress for a day, just to drive that car. C'mon compared to selling my soul, it's quite a good deal isn't it. hurhur. now let's just wait and see which sucker will fall for this. HAIZ...............

Unknown at 1:03 am