Sunday, August 24, 2003

went for supper with levi then nearly threw my temper. i have a short fuse as much as i can i try to tolerate but at times i really can't n when u blow ur top on people who're so nice you feel guilty. but i didn't in the end. but sometimes he's a bit slow. i hate to talk to stupid people irregardless of how good looking or how nice you are. if u cannot catch up i feel pissed but then if i cannot catch up i feel pissed too. so i have to learn to give n take. can't have a bf who has the same baud rate. maybe u can but not easy to find i guess. but sometimes there's only so much a person can tolerate. i wish i could vent my anger on someone like lucas would vent his anger on the hp customer support staff. but imagine if u're the one on the other line how would you feel? gargh. no wonder studies have shown that nice people alwez die earlier coz they dun vent their anger and release it. anyway a customer bought a tablet pc from me n then he gave me tip so i shared it with simon coz it was his credit that the deal would have went through.

n i bought the beagle from mcdonalds!!! it's really cute. actually i dun really like soft toys. i feel that they're a waste of space and collects dust. quite unlike me to buy it. then there's this guy who actually works a few shops away from the funan store then he treated me to cheeseburger. he's an uncle and he is giving me the creeps. he feels freaky to me.

anyway saw jun cheng at fong seng went up to talk to him as though i had much things to say to him. sometimes when u see acquaintances(how to spell?? looks weird to me) whom u do not see for a long time u wonder if u shd talk to them. it feels really weird. lately i saw a secondary school classmate we did hang out together in a group although i wasn't really close to her. when i saw her i din even talk to her i just waved hi and smiled and that's it. it's quite sad. alright not that sad but i feel that it would be sadder if i went up to her n had nothing much to talk about. but then u never know until you try right. ok lar let's just say i have an attitude problem lar. haha. haiz. funny how society works. u can't please everyone. i can't even please myself at times.

Unknown at 2:33 am