Sunday, January 12, 2003

the sun's up n shining, my back's fine, wad's there to stop me from going swimming?? heee. lemme tell you.. *whispers* a lazy bum shhh...

haha. you see lately i've not gone swimming coz of a variety of reasons. argh. plus if i were to go n swim now i'll come back tired but i wun haf enuf tiem to take a nap b4 we go out again so there. reason valid enuf. yar i think i'll just sleep. sleep. sleep. was supposed to meet my best friend whom haven't met for like a million yrs she didn't bother to call me anyway. sometimes i wonder wad's the diff without her as a friend.

i wanna cut my hair short. the long hair's kinda troublesome now. go swimming i have to condition it n it takes so long to dry after washing.... last time 10mins n it's dry.
haiz. women n their crowning glory. all their nonsense. i'm looking out the window and thinking if i should go n swim.

*flips coin* coin rolls away. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Unknown at 2:29 pm