Saturday, January 04, 2003

lately i've noticed a lot of people are using the precision time thingy to ensure that the time on their computer is accurate. What i think is that it's a major conspiracy to steal time from us. Imagine if at least half the population uses that then people will go about thinking that the time is correct, while the company will know what the exact correct time is. So they'll be able to steal time from us!!! Slowly but steadily sneakily. Hmm... conspiracy eh... I have this thing about time being defined by man so a lot of things about time alwez bothers me. coz after all who knows GOD's consideration of one day could be 48hours but we had to thwart it coz we didn't like to see the sun rise twice in a day and set again. Hm idea? Yeapz.

Unknown at 10:55 am