Saturday, January 25, 2003

it's all about perception, perspective. At times i feel that i'm bringing my insecurities into the relationship. I see things in a micro level while he sees things at a macro level. Is that truly the difference between XY & XX? I thought i was guy enuf to see things in his perspective, but i'm afraid not. at times i wonder where this relationship is going, at times i'm giddily in love, so many times i feel confused, tired. I think i'm stressed. I haven't gone for my swim yet. My stress reliever didn't come for a long time. Or rather i didn't go n pursue it more likely. I think you're confused, are you?

I think the media is making a big hooha over the post 9-11 racial relationships. I mean before that we still lived in harmony, didn't we or did we not? Maybe they just want the rest of us to make sure our notti muslim frenz din turn into muslim extremists which i think is bullshit, chinese can turn communists too! but we're too money-minded to do that. share the money?! fergeddit. I mean before that i still loved my muslim n indian n other races frenz. after i still love them the same. Why make it sound as though people truly are afraid of their muslim frenz? Maybe there are some narrowminded singaporeans, which then the govt should spend time trying to brainwash n cultivate the notion that not all sari wearers will jump out from nowhere n dance behind u when u wanna serenade and sing all the good about your lover.

Unknown at 9:06 pm