Wednesday, January 22, 2003

How Emotional Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Freezer. You feel nothing and wish to feel nothing so you find peace in the way you think, however, your emotions are more nuetral than balanced. Coldness and tolerance can be the ways of a passive heart.
argh i'm getting frustrated with myself. i'm not performing during trainings and simply my reactions are slow. i dunno i just dun seem to b able to play this game well. it's getting rather frustrating. i'm about to give up but .. many reasons behind it. oh the boys finally drew a game with np. last yr they lost to them n np is considered the best team for the polys last yr. this yr, i dunno man. but we were so happy. we cheered like crazy and i seriously think they deserve it. this is the first year i've seen the guy's team work so hard, they are training everyday and for contact the recovery process is about one week. n we the gurls r training only mon, wed n fridae. *a BIG round of applause for the boys*
Unknown at 11:55 pm