Tuesday, December 17, 2002

it's been pouring lately. literally opening the skies and emptying the bladder of the skies. grey gloomy skies everyday. but it's cooling so i can't complain much. but it's not very nice when you wanna sleep in but you have to wake up n drag your little lazy flat arse to school. *groans* been busy with fyp or at least trying very hard to act and look like it. progress is slow but it's moving. albeit a really slow pace. i think it's moving slower than a tortoise. i think my thoughts are too many in a paragraph but i dunno how to separate it coz if i paragraph every different point then it then there'll be many many paragraphs! yeah it's me and the rambling nonsense. imagines dawne wif a little cart with rickety wheels going across the country roads with her thoughts all jumping in the cart when it goes over a bump. hehe. cute. yep lately i'm behaving like a little gurl wif ken. i think i need someone to give me the sense of security since i think i'm tough(yeah note the word THINK) so that i can b a little lady. yep i seriously dun like being a tough gurl, actually i do, erm maybe i dun. argh. my thoughts alwez contradict my actions. like i say yeah i wun help others and later i'd find myself whining, getting angry with myself for giving up so much of my time to help someone whom i dun feel like helping. yeah that's me. but daddy said the sooner you learn to say no to your friends the sooner you'll be at peace with yourself. that's really true. hmmz yep doing it one step at a time. but like you see this sunday shi ling has an event and she needs help. i wanna help coz after all it's for a good cause but if i help then i wun haf that much time with ken. coz i've got a camp this week. but anyway i'm not helping her but i really want to. weird huh. see told you i'm contradicting.too many things that i really wanna do but too little time. if only god gave us 48hours a day. but come to think of it, god didn't define time but we did so for all you know there really could b 48hours a day because after all time is defined by us. we were the ones who said that 24hours is one day. and everybody decided to follow it. lately i keep going round and round this topic of time being defined by man. yeah people share your thoughts about it. at least my page is a little more intaeractive. yah i noe my page is a little not really updated like some links are old but i haven't really taken the time to edit only doing like the minimum everyone's updating their layout. mine's so simple but i really can't b bothered.

Q: Why is sorry the hardest thing to say?
A: Because we'd rather hold on to our ego and pride than to let go of it for our loved ones.


Unknown at 6:21 pm