Sunday, December 15, 2002

went to the zoo for the dr annelisa memorial today. realised that in that plane she was the only passenger to die. n it's coz she broke her neck. a simple accident that takes away the life of a person in such a short snap of time(yes pun intended, though not very right in this current context) i told dear and he said the neck's the most important part of your body anything happens protect it dunno she was so dumb. in fact i never realised that your neck was soooo important til he said. i seriously think i'm quite dumb. i'm losing my brain cells. i'm turning into a bimbo!!!!!!!!!!ahahhaha. lol crazee me. anyway then went to see boy's nanny who's hospitalised. she looked so frail and weak. quite sad but she's recovering so it's alrite i guess. then went to meet dear dear. lalaall.
i had lots of thoughts lately but never got the chance to think about it more becoz i'm alwez too tired when i start doing my blog and all i wanna do is just compelte the minimum and go to bed and sleep.

oh yah was talking about farrah's bedroom as big as my living room if not bigger. even though i say i want her room in reality i'd prefer my room coz what the hell am i going to do with a room so big?!!!
i'd rather have a walk-in wardrobe without my mum's clothes in it. =)plus i dun like being so rich, coz i hate getting everything i want, i wanna fight for the things that i truly want. at least when i finally get it, i really want it and will treasure it. not just chuck it like some old toy.

Unknown at 11:09 pm