Sunday, December 08, 2002

hey people y'all haf to post something on my flooble u noe the make ur precense known, otherwise it'll get removed. i'm serious. this is so sad. it's under utilised so they are removing it if i dun get anyone to post anything..hmm sobz... went for paul van dyke yesterday. woohooo power!!!!!!!!! he spinned for 4 hrs and he was waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than paul oakenfold. n his tix were cheaper, it was soo damn packed that even the 2nd level was crowded. paul oakenfold's was empty. the power of van dyke. woohooo..... drolloing. but i nearly suffocated and died in the crowd. omg. lol. saw many ppl, meifen, zen(spg) wif ang moh guy, michelle, avis, jovi, geraldine, hmmm basically many many ppl lar. wow fun nite. but super freaking squeezy. shall quit clubbing. too many touchy feely ppl n it's making me guilt riden. no good. abstinence is the best. we'll see.. haha oh no. ah amos din go fat ass. got injured n blah blah. stupid bugger.

Unknown at 1:38 pm