Sunday, September 01, 2002

hohooho i scored my first damn blardy try!!!! wee-u-weet! hha didn't seem very excited or that feeling of exhilaration or thrill when i scored though. my first try after 2 years (1 yr of playing n 1 yr of rest). i'm still lost and blur. yesterday noi came over to sleep so i was toooo tired to do my bloggie. went fundraising with her today made like $1100+ not that much but oh well.. try harder next time round. yesterday i made a lot of resolutions. i'm going to be a changed person.. hopefully. i alwez tell myself that but i never really do anything much about it. ooh saw sam.i think maybe i shall go for the trials and get humiliated for what reason i dunno..freaking tired.. got a game on monday gonna take a half day off for that. was disappointed that mag didn't apply for me but well can't really blame her can i.

ooh i wanna complain bout the blardy _JC coach. blardy arse. resorting to such underhand tactics, i think he just wants to use his girls to prove something. don't know what's that but well it's his problem. but the girls are nice people. only the blardy coach!! grr...

Unknown at 12:12 am