Monday, August 26, 2002

gee hafing this groggy little headache of mine.sinus as usual. why do i only have sinus. y can't it be the cold or flu or sumthing where i can officially take leave without feeling guilty. damn i wanna be the bad gurl but yet my conscience stops me from doing that. crazy silly gurl i am. so many rules so many don'ts. when can i live my life without restrictions do things i wanna do n not be seen as a person who breaks the law but just challenges it. finished this book titled link. bout these bunch of scientists trying to find the link between homo erectus and homo sapiens. we humans evolved when the homo sapiens reproduced with some greater being called the shining ones to produce homo erectus our fore fathers. sounds bizarre but the book puts forth the truth or facts that are being found by scientists, paleonthologists, etc. amazing isn't it. woohoo imagine we are actually half extraterrestrial and half homo sapiens. cool huh.

thought of getting my hair done in a new style. cornrows, dye it a radical colour, shaved bald, skinhead, dreadlocks hmmm wonder which of these suits me. wanna sign up for yoga... woohoo can be a great contortionist sounds fun. haha
-What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet -

Unknown at 9:44 pm