Sunday, July 17, 2005

We're going to the zoo zoo zoo!!!

Our date started on friday instead. Bugis, his place, watched a couple of shows, mahjong and woke up today at 5pm. Lol. so much for swimming and movies. Haha. But i yes yours truly, did a thirteen wonder while playing mahjong. For those who don't play mahjong well let's just simplify it as cards that's really difficult to get. Almost like striking the 1 million Toto jackpot. Hmmm Toto.. i shall consider that tomorrow. Hmm. Yeah and also nearly got xiao san yuan if i didn't throw away the tile. Shite. But it's alright. My luck was really that good last night. Kinda amazing and freakish actually. My friend once mentioned that if u get thirteen wonders you have to go to the temple to pray coz it's not a very good thing. Don't quite get the logic but err... Don't think i'll be making a trip down. Til i get more opinions maybe. Watched Les Choristes earlier and another episode of Bleach. It's a really cool anime. And i have The Pacifier on my table. Wondering if i should sleep or watch that.

So nevermind we'll have another date this coming wednesday. We're going to the zoo zoo zoo!!!
Daddy's gone for the week to Japan and i will have the car. Holidays and a car for my own use. Woohoo!!!

Unknown at 3:52 am