Thursday, June 30, 2005

So many battles, so little will

Watched motorcycle diaries despite having to do my essay. It's quite a good show actually, generally i hate autobiographies coz they bore me out, but with humour sprinkled all over the place throughout the long journey, it was more than tolerable. Come to think of it, because of the story you understand partially what made him start the revolution and why communism. Communism is a bad word that many people dislike to hear, why, because these are the people with the thick wads of money in their pockets. Just like if u asked me to share my money now you may get a smack across your face, but to him, he saw the injustice of it all. In a way it seems naive of him and to have such lofty dreams but yet on the other hand it was actually quite noble.

All these comments are based on the movie only, and not on anything else that i've read so it may seem a little one-sided there may be more to it, but i am supposed to be writing my 1500 word essay due yesterday. I know i'm lazy but yet i love to comment on everything but never bothering to read up more and attempt to articulate my thoughts better. Bad habit.

Anyway be glad for me, i am now at 220/1500 words. I'm 14% completed! And when i complete my essay today, with all the visiting granny in hospital, supper with amos, noy & jon i'll hand in my esasy tomorrow and go for the asian dream car show at expo and then go see jon at TP and his dog. Bliss, for the next day.

Then i have another 2000 word dummy experiment to do. Bleah. And exams in a week's time. I think the dummy experiment wouldn't be so bad at least it's pretty inspiring, this essay is just a waste of time. Writing lit reviews on journals of others who are pretty much doing lit reviews on others' works. Woe betide me, how to garner the enthusiasm to get good grades and even study when everything is so uninspiring. From the lecturers & tutors to the school timetable, assignments given, school administration and this is one of the best distant learning schools for psychology already. Pathetic. So many battles, so little will.

Unknown at 5:30 pm