Monday, October 18, 2004

It's odd that after some time of not blogging the first blog i post is about philipp. Anyway, besides the point. Haven't got much to blog about besides the fact that i'm now officially mummy's PA, driving her ard, posting her pamphlets door to door, typing her quotations. Going to gym in the afternoons, occasional meet up with friends. Going home for dinner, now that my old maid's back i enjoy not going out at night to have dinner cooked by her. I don't mind eating more rice and growing fat and chubby due to her cooking. Seriously i think i appreciate her being around more this time round. I mean last time i would b back early like 1 week night. Since my poly days i've held on to this arrangements for my evenings/nights if u prefer. I'd come home early for a minimum of 2 week nights. And of course sunday night belong to them. Even saturdays too. I guess to me family is pretty important. I started not coming back for dinner when my current maid left the previous time. The food sucked, it didn't appeal v much to me to come home to sucky food. I'm sorry the stomach growls louder than the heart. so now i'm happy not meeting ppl every night, the past week i spent like 4 nights in or 5 maybe. liked the feeling a lot, not going out. oddly coming from a person who needs to socialise. tired, hungry, sore throat, wondering. Oh yeah saw a mickey mouse jacket yest at Far East which cost $49 but it was a little too tight, sigh. It was pretty unique. And then was tempted to buy club classics MOS $48.90 or something, sigh things nowadays sure r expensive. And went birthday shopping with my parents today, they finally decided on jade, before that was a watch. And now i'm crazy over jade. I've got earrings, pendant, bracelet and bangle. The whole works. How cool is that. Something unique i guess at least it's a different accessory that you're wearing. Everyone looks the same, the jade sure jazzes up your outfit, or so i'd like to think. Hehe. I'm cool yeah. And watched 2046. Interesting way to show a movie, as expected of wong kar wai. but u go through the initial reaction of HUH?!! after you step out of the cinema. Then Tse wei sent me to gramps place on his new bike, think he must be damn happy now with his bike. Pretty cool ride, now if only the rider was me and the pillion was Tse Wei, HAHAHA, yeah with the jade bangles and all. Hurhurhurhur. Ok i think i'm turning nuts, it's the sickness plus the realisation of not being able to get enough sleep to get by for tomorrow and refusing to go to bed which is causing all this. Did it make sense? And the disgusting corn growth on my foot has just gotten worse, i need to see a doctor badly but i'm worried abt the pain. Shucks. I'm turning into a woman!! WHAT THE HELL?!!

Unknown at 1:40 am