Wednesday, August 04, 2004
There's a funeral going on at the void deck of my flat. The funeral will last for 6 days and the space they are using is more than usual. Goodness and so many banners and wreaths. I wonder if i die how many people will attend. I think only a small one will be sufficient, considering i'm not Miss Friendly. Lol. I hear people complaining about birthday party fatigue, because lots of us are turning 21 this year so in turn you have lots of birthdays to attend. For me, haha, I never have an issue, so far all the birthdays I've attended are people whom I'm close to. Thank goodness. Imagine having to go for a party and socialise make small talk and then leave. I seriously find it veyr pointless. But in society if u wanna climb up the ladder, the more people u noe the better. Sigh. Society is weird. If you don't conform, you're weird, if you stand out you're weird. Sucks.
Unknown at 2:55 pm