Monday, August 02, 2004
Blogger is crazy. I tried to log in it said denied. I typed in the same URL it forwarded me to the page after you've logged in. Haiz. Lotsa stuff that i wanted to blog over the many many days but didn't due to lack of time. Yeah somehow blogging's well... err kinda getting in my way of sleep. yeah in a way coz i'm coming home late so. Watched king arthur last thursday, errr kinda boring i must say. Somehow i had the feeling lotsa parts are missing because it's kinda based on something long ago and being condensed into a 2hr movie. Anyway even the fight scenes weren't v impressive but the tactics used were pretty interesting. How they managed to outwit the saxons. Then clubbed on friday night, at zouk and wrote a review for frontallabs when it's up i'll let y'all noe. Or if y'all are keen can go on down n check it out once in a while see if it's up. Nothing fantastic just something that got me free cover to zouk, although i had difficulty trying to find ppl to go with me in the end, which was kind of a bummer. And best of all i forgot to bring my IC of all things. sigh. careless me. Saturday met up with suhada, floris, li, juan, jackson & gracie. had dinner at sakae at wheelock place. Was supposed to meet them at six, when i left the house i was wearing a pair of squeeky heels and it hurt my feet so bad, wanted to go home n change but then thought i'm alreadie late plus i dun get to see li juan often so nvm i can endure. when i finally reached there at 6.20 thinking i was late, i was the earliest!! Super regretted it sia should have went back to change to jeans n sneakers. sigh. well now i've learnt my lesson, you can b late but you must b comfortable. That shall b my motto. anyway poor jackson paid for the dinner, poor fella. then met amos for a while before he met his fren for a movie at lido. Then emi called n asked if we wanted to go dbl o. Hoho. So met up with shi yuan mao cheng & aston first then we went in n waited for emi & tse wei to arrive and finally amos after his movie was over. Fun night coz we drank quite a few shots at a go. Then when we left the place, i passed the wrong wallet to emi coz she put hers in my bag. Handed mine over to her instead. Then my debit card i forgot to take back from mao cheng. Tse wei forgot to take his debit card. Lol. Hilarious. Then of course sunday was spent trying to retrieve and swop the stuff back. But when i was supposed to pass emi her wallet, i realised i left it in my mother's bag when we went shopping earlier on. argh. how blur of me. Finally today emi got back her wallet.
Unknown at 11:55 pm