Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Headache on the left side of my head. Wanted to jog after my driving lessons. Well no luck today. But i walked up the stairs instead. I feel that my weight is a little like how i control my BCD (Bouyancy Control Device), you breathe in you float, you breathe out you sink. So when i put on weight i eat less, when i lose weight i eat more. At the end of the day still the same. But keeps fluctuating. No good must maintain. I need a bit of consistency and discipline in my life. It's seriously going haywire. Hate this feeling. Anyway Dive Trip over the weekend!! Nah just a recap not another trip sadly.
Took a coach into mersing and when we stopped at this petrol station it was all hell broke loose for me. FOOD!!!! haha. Life's all about food for me. yummy. Then got on again and then took a short nap. Then at mersing we had to transfer onto a ferry and get to the island. The ferry was something that was out of my imagination. I had expected one of those steel hulled ferries with comfortable air conditioning. No, to my surprise, wooden decks, blasting cold air conditioning, fumes seeping into the cabin and the sleeping quarters looked like coolie quarters. I mean not that i minded, it's fun, but something that I'd never expected. But a refreshing change. But due to the really cold air conditioning i couldn't sleep initially. Then no choise overcome by sleepiness, went inside and contort my body because it's like a long row of mattress and everyone just sleeps anywhere so bags were all over and bodies too. So no choice my body was in a crank shape, you noe like the crank course in the driving circuit yeah my body was like that. awfully uncomfortable. Then when we reached the island it was low tide so we had to walk on the corals to the island, my mambo slippers were so close to falling apart. Rooms were really spartan and basic. But at least we got fresh water for bathing. Slept. N the next day when we woke up at 7.15 was dive, eat, dive, eat, dive, eat, debrief, eat, party & sleep. Haha. Enjoy sia. Keep eating and the food was good. Then followed by the last dive on sunday morning where we went to another dive site and saw a lot more stuff. At least colourful corals, eels, turtle eating a jellyfish, schools of fishes. But please dun ask me what type of fish i saw. I'm very lousy at this. i can only tell you, FISH. Haha. We also saw a shooting star. So nice. Met interesting people, people who came for the trip with different backgrounds. Really interesting actually. So now i'm a certified Open Water PADI Diver. Hehe. After next tue hopefully i'm a licensed Class 3 Driver. Hehe. Went for my revision today, the instructor said my skills were not bad. Hope so lar.. Sigh. I've got pretty high standards for myself. Felt like i didn't do a lot of things correctly.
Unknown at 10:33 pm