Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I think i've been staring too much at computer screens and lack of sleep, eating too much biscuits, drinking too little water, playing too hard.
Watched Van Helsing, omigosh it's like the best show this year, LOTR was last year rite? haha. even then the it would top my fav show of the year. Comedy, Action, Friendship, Thrills, Babes, Banshee screaming, woohoo@!! plus drama scenes and beautiful costume, excellent production. 'nuff said. go watch it. even if u haf to watch it twice, it's that good. If you can watch titanic 7 times i say you can watch this 14 times. Next up, TROY.... *drumroll* next wednesday with su n noy. yay..
Unknown at 11:23 pm