Sunday, April 13, 2003

:: how nintendo are you? ::
yesterday rushed to skewl to hand in my logbook n met our bb lecture. another nice lecturer he opened a conference room for emi to fill up her logbook as he saw her squating outside the office. then went for esther's bbq. reached there rather early so i helped wif her mum to cut the stuff in preparation. then i de-fleshed the fish n the mum said wah do until so nice. HEEEE *big grin* i dun do much house work nor cooking besides the occasional brownie baking otherwise i kinda noe nuts around the kitchen even though try to pretend to. then we swam n esther learnt how to plunge after many unsuccessful n painful attempts she became a "professional" in her own words. hee. in the meantime i was swimming wif only my arms. bbq went on as usual despite the intermitent drizzle. ate quite a bit. the past few days i've been eating a lot for dinners. yumyum.
Unknown at 12:22 pm