Monday, April 07, 2003

whatever i say here may or may not be the truth. coz din yo mama said not to trust anybody online? i guess we all take a leap of faith and trust too easily. hey trust me and you're in for fun! Basically a crazy, fun-loving gurl, who's really into life. Pushing the limits of time, life and everything in general. Live life to the max and you'll never regret dying early. looks are transient and mightily deceiving. Looks also give some people the power that they never were born with. Sloppy, comfy, dressy, casual, words that describe my dressing style. Kinda reflects on my character as well, doesn't yours? Unconventionality describes everything of me. Or at least i try to.Life is too short to judge but i do have some things that i pick on. Wanna find out? Tread carefully and if you fall off yeah that's where u belong. adios.

Unknown at 9:14 pm