Sunday, September 15, 2002

Went for the party at Sentosa. windy cool but.... so damn blardy empty. gor went along wif me and emi, michelle avis AVIS!!! haha long time no see man. and emi had to drink so much til she got so wasted. avis got a few cute frenz. ahahahha but one is so gay. GAY GAY GAY ALERT!! okay i'm mean i'm sorry. music's all right no more hip hop for me. r&b's fine. hip hop uh uh. no no. *wags my finger* spent like 1+ til 4+ looking after a wasted emi. happy lar as usual go on her drinking binge whenever she has the chance blardy drunkard of a gurl. but i enjoyed myself while dancing.. at least i have space to dance. haf a feeling the paul oakenfold gig's gonna be so damn blardy crowded u wun even b able to move. DAMN! should i get the tix or not. $48 nvm i still have time to consider. i think i wanna go.... took a cab back with the cute guy. he's so cute. aiyooo. actually gor's a really nice guy. sho shweet. he took such good care of emi. my goodness. i noe he's nice but wow i din noe tt he can take care of ppl so well. i seem lost n helpless.. well i am most of the time anyway haha so doesn't make a diff does it. jovi as well.. maybe coz they go out n go back with drunk frenz most of the time. while i go out with ppl who either can drink or haven't been in tt situation either. argh tiring ah i wanna haf my chance at drinking n drinking like crazy n not worrying for emi. maybe i'm just a worrier. yepz tt's it. yest's carload of ppl wuz like a group of people who cared for each other and as though we were frenz for a long time. i love that kind of feeling.. aww..........

Unknown at 4:55 pm