Monday, September 09, 2002
You know what life is like a war you wage with yourself, expectations of others, your insecurities. Many of us don't realise that we actually need to plan. We just charge on with what we want to do till we get so tired of ourselves, disillusioned with everything then we break down and feel lost, disappointed and frustrated. Maybe if we paced ourselves, ask ourselves constantly what we want when we get involved in something, and constantly reviewing our expectations to check if it's realistic, there won't be so many of us feeling lost in life.
Yepz planning, pacing ourselves. xiu1 xi2 shi4 wei4 le4 zou3 geng4 chang2 yuan3 de4 lu4. Take a break when life seems to overwhelm you. And maybe we shouldn't keep pushing our expectations on others. Let them perform and then if we think they need that extra bit of cajoling to reach their peak nudge them a little and maybe we have a star in the making. nudge not PUSH. and well maybe get to know the person first..
I'm turning into an anti social. Don't wanna communicate with people. Simply bo-chap. But yet even in the process of crawling into my little hidey hole, I crave the inter personal relationships. Contradiction.
Unknown at 11:51 pm