Monday, March 12, 2007
Irrational Beings
Humans are generally irrational beings, which explains why I cannot get rid of the feeling of distaste whenever I hear about someone. Logically, I do not have anything to be against this person. Neither do I know this person very well, to actually not like this person so much, but yet I do. Time and time again. This thing is strange to me because I always believe that I can rationalise my feelings, but this time I simply couldn't do it. I try my best and then this nagging thought will kick me from behind. I suspect it's got to do with me giving in to my heart, since I manage to hold fort at the beginning with an open mind and reasoning. Then later my heart plays the devil and starts saying "Oh don't you find it strange blah blah blah blah", "Be careful you never know blah blah blah blah blah". That's when my mind starts picking up on the minutest detail and begins it's analytical breakdown of the situation and goes you see this is not right blah blah blah blah. I wonder if I'm too rational and too good at compartmentalising my feelings that this incident forces me to relook at myself and say hey, you're just not making any sense here. Oh bother. Do I need to do this?
Unknown at 2:17 am