Saturday, May 06, 2006

Can you answer my question?

Sometimes i think about how short our life is, and how i'd die. I don't like to assume that i'd die in old age, because not everyone lives a long life. It's quite sad that when u die, you won't be able to see any of your loved ones anymore. Well since i don't have a religion, it makes it even sadder, coz i have no eternity no reincarnation. Where do i go? Then i realise i don't want to die, because i have everyone here with me, even though sometimes i get pissed off, but mostly i'm happy. If i die, there's no saying i'll definitely see these people again. What happens when i die? Really, i'm scared to know what's after it. Or rather i'm scared because i don't know what's after it. I'm sure lots of people talk about this but have no conclusive answer, unless they've got a near death experience, but those are few and far between. And those category of people won't even be able to answer my question, how about those who return from the dead, i guess they'd be rarer to find.

No answers, so we turn to religion, because afterall, we don't really wanna just disappear right, and the catholic faith gives us the best solution, eternity. Sigh, is that the main point of religion then? Besides doing good, which you would too if your parents taught you your morals well and constantly made sure you adhere to them, or if your conscience kept you in check most of the time. How? Why? What?

Unknown at 12:56 pm