Saturday, August 06, 2005

Face your inner demons

The madness inside that rages beneath, that claws to resurface. The side that nobody knows, nobody sees, except you. Every now and then i face my inner demons. I hate to let people know. Sometimes it just gnaws at you, like a rat that slowly bites and nibbles away your insides. The process so slow, the pain so easily ignored, til it finally makes it's way through your skin, it's too late. It's back and the pain so raw. And then you mend it back, slowly and surely, like humans do. But you will always be aware that it lingers within, never going away like an incurable disease clinging onto you. Recognising that you've fallen back into the pit once again and that you will have to climb your way out, bloodied fingers, scraped knees and all. You'll make your way back, steady and surely. But life is like that, battles with the demons that you only wound but never kill. Each time you come back stronger, your demons come back stronger too. Or was it just a lapse in your attention and it stole a strike at your back? But the battles are waged time and again. We win, we lose and we win again.

What's your inner demon?

Unknown at 2:06 am